Saturday, August 22, 2009

Free Shutterfly 8x8 Photo Book

Expires August 26th. Make a free 8.8 hard cover photo book (regularly $29.99). Coupon code at check out is SUMMERBOOK. I make one of these every birthday for my kids, and they LOVE them. It takes me forever to make them (even though it's supposed to be fast). So I'll be ordering mine around 11:59 p.m. on the 26th. You still have to pay shipping, which is around 8 bucks. Still a good price for an awesome custom book.

Tip I heard on Oprah: scan in your child's artwork and include it in the book. Cuts down on old scrappy papers around the house. Since we've started scanning in artwork, my daughter doesn't get those moments of depressing shock when she finds her masterpieces in the recycle bin. It took me a couple times of explaining and showing her the artwork on the laptop, but now, she'll even take her own artwork to the trash can.

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